Benoît ‘Ben’ Chardome (†17/07/2014)

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July 25, 2014, 6:36 pm


Years, (
April 10, 1963
July 17, 2014

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Till Always
September 21, 2014, 3:53 pm
My dear brother Ben. Time is passing, but I and Sylviane feel so alone without you, even if we have the kids around us. We are sure you will always be with us and you will help us in these difficult moments and also in the future. May your life remain an example for all those who met you during all these years. Thank's to you, our oldest son Jean-Benoit is still active in scouting and Alexia is more motivated than never. And don't forget, big brother, even you were far away, you made part of our life and we will keep your memory alive! Big Hug "grand (beau)frère et tonton"! Sylviane, J-B, Adrien, Alexia & Pierre Chardome
Till Always
September 4, 2014, 10:42 pm
My dear boss, friend and neighbour, Bathhouse Ben, Benoit Chardome, you have left a gap in our lives back here in Queenstown, to many more than my family. You were a great boss, nothing ever phased you, not staff rosters, not quiet days, not busy days nor even the odd serious flood which closed you down for 6 months! You were always so smiley and cheery and you always listened, to everyone. You became a dear friend while working for you but more so when you became our neighbour and we were sorry to see you head off to Bali, though it has to be said, you were better at keeping in touch than I. We wish you had not been on MH17 from Amsterdam, we wish you had decided not to go on that buisness trip. Sincere condolances go out to your new husband and your family and friends all around the globe who will be mourning your loss and your friendly smile. What a tragic way to go Ben, we wish it were not so.Lots of love to you my friend, Belinda, Jem & kids x

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