Paul-Emile Hoet (†02/05/2011)

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February 22, 2013, 3:29 pm


Years, (
September 25, 1954
May 2, 2011

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Till Always
February 25, 2013, 7:39 pm
Those days at the seaside I'll never forget.
Till Always
February 22, 2013, 4:32 pm
Family This is the spot on the beach where we scattered my father-in-law's ashes in June. My husband is in the knot of people somewhere. My son is behind me in the water. The humidity kept fogging the lens. I think it's better that way. I think Nature was trying to show me that I didn't really know who anybody was. Or maybe she was trying to show me that we are all united.
Till Always
February 24, 2013, 2:11 pm
Mijn schoolkameraad dizhjfizhjfizj izjfi zhjf oaizhf oaezfhaezohjahfakjzf
Till Always
February 22, 2013, 4:27 pm
Desert I hated living in the desert. The brown, the dust, the heat, the dryness, the rocks. The cacti. People came from all over the world just to marvel at the pale, merciless, spiny things. But I just wanted water. And then, I left. I started to remember different things: purple mountains in every direction, cotton-candy sunsets, nights warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt. At first, it was as a trade-off-- I lost a few perks, but hey, at least I could breathe outside! Then, I started to miss the things I thought I hated. I got colds from air too humid. I craved the crunch of gravel under my feet. I bought a pair of sunglasses just because their tint made the world look like Tempe at about 5:30 p.m. on a summer evening-- right before a haboob strikes. And as much as I loved the rain every day, it didn't smell at all like I remembered. After a few months, I came back. I might not stay here forever, but I'm happy here for now. After all, where else can you drive an hour, climb a mountain, and see pine trees on your right and saguaros on your left? Where else can you find a prickly pear cactus poking its way out of a foot of snow? Arizona's not too bad, after all.
Till Always
April 8, 2013, 9:36 am
Toen die zomer De zomer van 1975 ontmoetten we elkaar::::
Till Always
February 22, 2013, 4:33 pm
Welcome back my friend the crampons hit the rocks. we continue our way upwards. conditions are not the best. it's a mixture of snow and ice we call snice. wind had picked up one hour ago and is still getting stronger. freezing the first time this winter. back in the mountains. finally. we made it to the summit later that day. the day ends in a cozy cabin deep in the slovenian mountains. it' been an awesome summer but I missed you. winter, welcome back my old friend.
Till Always
February 25, 2013, 7:39 pm
Those days at the seaside I'll never forget.
Till Always
February 22, 2013, 4:32 pm
Family This is the spot on the beach where we scattered my father-in-law's ashes in June. My husband is in the knot of people somewhere. My son is behind me in the water. The humidity kept fogging the lens. I think it's better that way. I think Nature was trying to show me that I didn't really know who anybody was. Or maybe she was trying to show me that we are all united.

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